Main Street, Beeford, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 8AY

01262 488 444

Beeford Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

All Known, All Cared for, All Contributing.

Early Years

Our Early Years Coordinator is FSU Teacher Mrs Baldwin

 'Be all that you can 'BEE'


At Beeford CE (VC) Primary School we believe that the EYFS curriculum provides the building blocks of future success. Our ultimate goal is to nurture, inspire and encourage our children so that they leave with the characteristics of effective learning, compassion and self-belief needed for the next stage of their learning journey and beyond. We aim to develop and broaden the range of children’s learning experiences, to enable them to be happy, confident, respectful and enthusiastic learners who look forward to coming to school every day – living up to our motto ‘All known, all cared for, all contributing'

Click here to download our Foundation Stage Prospectus

Click here to go to our phonics page

Click here to go to our class page and see all the exciting things we get up to in the Early Years!


At Beeford CE (VC) Primary School we believe that the EYFS curriculum provides the building blocks of future success. Our ultimate goal is to nurture, inspire and encourage our children so that they leave with the characteristics of effective learning, compassion and self-belief needed for the next stage of their learning journey and beyond. We aim to develop and broaden the range of children’s learning experiences, to enable them to be happy, confident, respectful and enthusiastic learners who look forward to coming to school every day – living up to our motto ‘All known, all cared for, all contributing.’


Our aims:

To recognise each child as an individual and aim to develop their unique personality, awareness of diversity and respect for each other’s values and customs. To ensure they have the communication skills and vocabulary in order to express themselves effectively and understand others. We welcome visitors and foster involvement within the local community.


To provide a curriculum that is carefully planned, ambitious and systematic creating engaging, multi-sensory experiences that demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of the way in which our children learn. It is crucial to maintain a holistic view of learning and development and how this is interlinked in order to prepare our children to thrive and achieve, creating the foundation for future learning in all subjects.


To provide a safe and stimulating learning environment that encourages children to take responsibility for their own development as independent learners. An environment that builds on children’s own interests, curiosity and enthusiasm and provides the opportunity to practise and master new learning through the indoor and outdoor provision.


To provide opportunities for all, where reflection, good communication, a shared purpose and responsibility and effective use of resources provides a positive first start to all children’s educational journeys in a caring and nurturing environment. We ensure all children feel valued, included and respected: modelling and promoting the Christian values the school endorses. ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.’ Psalm 133:1


As a team we follow the EYFS curriculum and ensure that the learning opportunities and experiences we provide are clearly linked to both the Prime (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development) and Specific (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts) areas of learning. We begin each term by looking at the individual needs of our children / each cohort and their different starting points and with this information in mind, we are then able to plan a range of broad and balanced learning experiences. A number of resources are used to support the development of the curriculum including Development Matters, and the East Riding of Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus for RE. Through adult led learning we introduce new concepts and knowledge carefully planned to cover all areas of the curriculum. Half termly topics linked to good quality texts form the basis of our planning while being flexible enough to ensure where possible the children’s own interests are used by the adults to engage the children in higher level thinking and deeper learning.

At this stage in a child’s life learning through play is vital, we scaffold play and plan both the indoor and outdoor environment, continuous provision and enhanced provision to encourage child-initiated learning and opportunities to develop, practise and refine skills, take managed risks and follow individual interests. Adult led activities include regular sessions to broaden experiences and allow children access to activities that they might not take part in otherwise; such as Outdoor learning sessions, baking and mobile library visits. Each half termly topic is enhanced through a variety of first-hand experiences (visits and visitors). These give all of the children a shared experience through which to explore and develop language, knowledge and skills Children’s speech and language skills are assessed on entry which enables us to quickly provide tailored support when necessary. Opportunities to introduce new vocabulary and check understanding is maximised throughout every interaction and lesson. Children in FS1 are introduced to focused maths learning and the five principles of counting (Gelman and Gallistel) during adult led sessions using rhymes and little big maths counting activities. In FS2 this understanding of number is extended, deepened and consolidated through sequenced activities planned using the White Rose based Mastering the Curriculum Scheme of learning. Reading is recognised as a key to learning and is a priority in the EYFS.

Daily phonic sessions follow the Bug Club Phonics Scheme of work with additional activities to apply blending and segmenting skills ensuring systematic progression. Reading Books are carefully matched to skills to ensure continuous development and fluency. In addition to carefully planned Phase 1 activities children in FS1 also take part in activities designed to foster the skills for future reading and writing; squiggle while you wriggle / dough disco to promote the gross and fine motor skills and circle games / parachute games to promote listening and attention and self-regulation.

Through constantly promoting and modelling the school values of ‘compassion, creation and friendship’ through adult led activities, interactions and strategies such as our ‘Buckets of Kindness’ we help to provide emotional security, promote empathy and respect for others and the environment. Parental involvement and carefully managed transitions help to foster this security. Strategies to include and inform parents include, New starter visits, ‘Stay and Play’ sessions, Phonics Workshops, Reading Records, Curriculum Overviews, Class e-mail, Marvellous Me updates


The curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual children including SEND and disadvantaged, and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high- quality teaching supported by targeted interventions where appropriate. Involvement with external agencies is promptly sought to support pupils and parents and maintain progress when necessary. In this way it can be seen to be impacting in a very positive way on pupil outcomes and prepares them for the next phase in school. We understand that when assessing children against the Early Learning Goals, there will be many children who are awarded the same level but may be working at differing levels within this range. Effective communication between FS and KS1 staff is therefore crucial to achieve an effective transition for children and to plan accordingly for the next stage of their learning journey and we are confident that we have built a solid foundation for later success. We teach our children to believe in themselves, belong to the school and wider community and take pride in how our children are eager to learn and quick to congratulate and support others.